Mandela Effect

odessa • med student 💉 | capricorn.
So I'm not super big on conspiracy theories, I think they're fun and all but I'm a skeptic haha. Anyways my bff wanted to watch conspiracy theory videos on YouTube so we watched this one on the Mandela Effect, and some I was skeptical on but two points the guy made and examples he showed REALLY hit home to me. The first was Billy Graham, we all thought he died a few years back and he even had a televised funeral, but actually, he didn't die then and he's still alive at 98. But I CLEARLY remember the news blowing up with his death back in like what? 2010? And the second which REALLY freaked me out, which I want more confirmation on, is the Queens song "We are The Champions" so my dad loved music like that and especially Queen themselves and we always listened to that song, and I remember very clearly as a child that at the end of the song it goes "we are the champions...of the world" but the guy in the video points out that if you look up and listen to the original recordings and watch the original, official music video for that song, at the end they DO NOT SAY "of the world" that lyric DOES NOT EXIST. I even went on YouTube and watched the entire original music video and lol and behold THAT LYRIC LEGIT DOESNT EXIST. So I even asked my dad about t and he also remembers it the same way I do. Don't believe me go look up the video on YouTube right now! Thoughts!??