Enjoy Every Moment Of Every Day💛

Halley • Happily engaged with a daughter named Kierstyn Breea🌺
Being pregnant is a once in a life time opportunity to experience. If any of you ladies ever get a chance to be pregnant with no complications, which not everyone does. It is a wonderful experience! I was miserable and took my time being pregnant for granted. When I should of cherished every moment of it, but I didn't. Feeling your daughter or son moving around, playing, and just living inside of your belly is such a magical feeling. When I first found out I was pregnant I was scared, worried, and I honestly didn't want to be. And that was wrong of me because God gave me a child to love and care for and I didn't want it. Because of my mixed emotions being 17 and pregnant with strict parents. I was only 17 when I found out I was pregnant, still in high school, and just started liking my new job. I was terrified.. the day I found out I was pregnant well that night my dad told me specifically "you better not be pregnant". How did he know? Was me not eating or my mood swings giving it away? What was it? He knew I was but he was scared to and I hadn't even told him yet. My boyfriend got off work the next day and he was on his way over to my house so we could sit down and tell the grandparents (my parents) the new news! They were hurt and angry with me at first but after that they agreed to help me no matter what. So after that day the months started to fly by. My boyfriend and I were doing good of course we had our ups and downs here and their. But I mean who doesn't? The first trimester was exhausting. I was constantly hungry, tired, and throwing up. I was miserable. Who knew having a tiny bean inside of you caused so much to happen. Well it did! By the second trimester I was feeling great! My bump was slowly starting to show and I had so much energy! And oh boy that second ultrasound was amazing!! Seeing my child squirm inside of me with my boyfriend (child's dad) by my side. My boyfriend was a boyfriend from my past and was also my past ex. But now he was the father to my child. Which obviously meant a lot. They drew my blood to see the gender and chromosomes of the baby. A few days later the doctors called and said "its a girl and all of her chromosomes looked great!" I was relieved. Thankful that nothing was wrong with our little girl. I threw a small gender reveal for the grandparents with cupcakes revealing what their grand child would be. They were ecstatic!! By that time the third ultrasound was rolling around. My boyfriend proposed to me and I said yes. He was now my fiancé! It was like the first trimester all over again but I finally had that bump I wanted. But now I didn't want it. Constant bathroom breaks! Feet constantly sore! My back, oh lord, my bad ached! I couldn't see my feet! What was next? When I was 32-34 weeks we had a slight scare! I was 2,3 CM dialated my doctor said. I was on a check up all by myself. She told me to go to Lakeview to the emergency side and let them know what's going on. So I went. After a few hours, everything was okay. My contractions weren't getting too bad and they eventually gave me meds to stop them and some antibiotics for the baby's lungs since i was so early. They sent me home the next day. Well exactly 36 weeks and 1 day she came! From 12Am till 4pm I was in constant pain on January 11,2017. Yes I got the epidural! It was a life saver. I was able to enjoy the last few moments of being pregnant! It was time to push! Oh no!! As I began pushing I was doing great! I could feel some of it but not as bad as I thought it would be. I pushed and pushed! Finally they could see her head! The nurse told me to stop pushing because the doctor wasn't even in the room yet she was 15 minutes away. As we waited and waited, finally she came! She began coaching to me. Almost there!! Finally after about 5-10 mins of pushing at 4:28PM on January 11,2017 my daughter Kierstyn Breea Nicholson was born! Now my baby girl is almost a month old. What am I suppose to do? I tell myself " enjoy every moment of everyday because it will be over with before we know it " and that saying is true. Enjoy every moment of being pregnant and after being pregnant with your little one because that saying "time flys by"? It's not just a saying you know. It's quite true and it wasn't until now that I've actually learned that it was. Enjoy every moment you possibly can because it will be tomorrow before we know it!Â