My Labor & Delivery Story! Only 5 Hours, First Time Mom!


On Feb 2nd 2017 at 3am, my stomach was churning as if I took a laxative. I then felt as if I slightly peed on myself. I paid it no mind but then I realized, I actually have to poop lol so I got up. Went to poop & laid back down. I then started getting stomach "period like cramp" pains that started getting more & more intense. I noticed that my pains was falling in the "511" guidelines & I realized... I was having contractions. I got up again to pee & trickles of water started streaming down my legs, nonstop. I realized... my water was broken. I woke my sister up & let her know of the details. I took a shower & got ready. At alittle after 5am we arrived at the hospital. At that point... my contractions were out of this world intense! I couldn't take it & everything seemed as if it was moving in slow motion! I finally got a examination room where I was checked, I was told I was 4cm dilated... & in excruciating pain. I wanted an epidural so bad but it was still time that needed to pass & things that needed to be done before I could get it. I was then transferred to the L&D room where I was waiting for my epidural. The pain... unexplainable. I was SCREAMING, punching things... the whole nine. So I was finally able to get it.. heaven was upon me! Lol my doc checked me right after & she said "omg... your 10cm... you have to push now!" Not even 5 minutes after getting my epidural, I had to push. Got an epidural at around 8:30-ish am... had her at 8:41am. I pushed around 5 times & she was out! I had her at 37weeks & 5 days. She weighted 5pounds 2ounces. What an experience.... but honestly...I'll NEVER forget that pain! So excruciating... & the fact that I was having "back labor" as well as the contractions.... made it 10x's more excruciating. I pretty much went natural up until the pushing because they took so long with giving me the epidural. Anyway... I'm obsessed with my baby girl & I wish all of you lovely mothers an easy and smooth labor!!!