Unmedicated Birth of Baby Girl

Baby Liam Leilani was born on 1/26/17, her due date was 1/21/17. I had no signs of labor starting at all until morning of 1/26, woke up with mild cramping that didn't go away when I got up and ate breakfast. Had a Dr appt for the non stress test at 11am, by then I was getting still mild contractions 10-15 minutes apart. I told the nurse when she was hooking me up to monitor and we saw a few recorded during monitoring. Nurse said to go home and see if they stop or keep going. So we went home, ate lunch, walked the dog, contractions still not too bad, I kept waiting to feel it more in my front, but felt contractions in my lower back and bottom. Relaxed at home as contractions became closer together and used a heating pad and my partner squeezed my hips from behind to provide counter pressure during contractions. Still didn't think I was even half way dilated. Then I had a more intense contraction and felt my body push! My partner took me to the birthing center ( luckily we live only a mile away!) and my body was pushing through the three contractions I had on the way there, including in the parking lot. When we got in the birthing center, they told me to use the bathroom if I needed to and put my hospital gown on so they could check me. I lost my mucus plug in the bathroom and the nurse came in to find me sitting on the toilet pushing! They got me on the bed to check me and to our surprise the midwife said I was ready and she could already see all my babies hair! I pushed my beautiful baby out in 15 minutes! 45 minutes after arriving to the hospital!
Ladies who are ready this and are FTM....Birth Without Fear! Emerge yourself with positive birth stories/experiences, and trust your body to take over and do what it knows how. 
This was my second birth and because of my birth without fear mindset, was so much different than my first birth with my son.
You got this ladies! Blessings to you all!