Woof! Crazy Day! (No epidural, vaginal delivery)

So yesterday I turned 38 weeks pregnant! Started having erratic contractions at 7 pm and I refused to consider I was in labor so soon.

They kept up all night, becoming more and more severe and frequent. I couldn't sleep, sometimes I was on the verge of tears, I vomited twice! At 7 am I admitted to my husband and mother that they could be for real and I would go to the hospital if they kept up at under 5 mins apart for the next 2 hours. After 9 am I vomited again and I started bleeding and having a baby that's lazy in the morning I thought the worst!

We got to the hospital at 10 am and they showed me my baby was still alive! And I was 6 cm dilated! I was admitted and checked 4 times in the next 2 hours, dilating another cm before each check so at noon they broke my water and got me pushing!

And my perfect baby girl was born at 12:30 pm! Weighing 6 lbs and 14 oz!

Look at her! Fresh from her first bath and compared to the 3D Ultrasounds!

It took 3 tries then she latched beautifully! She's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined!