is this normal

My boyfriend is in the Navy and he stationed in ocean away from me and last December he got leave so I was able to see him. Since he's been back he's been saying works been really busy and trying to Skype or find time to just even text because I really miss him but it's been three weeks of 'I'm sorry, work is busy I can't'. I'm not sure how normal this is we've only been dating for about eight months and right when we started dating he got deployed. I hear from him once a day at best a couple times a week at worst and he's not currently deployed he's just at his base far away. He says that he sorry a lot and that work is busy I'm a find time soon he swears he said that so much that I feel like I can't put his much stock into those words I'm having trouble believing him now. 
There's also another thing that's been bothering me he doesn't say that he misses me as much and he doesn't send me selfie's of him as much just something we used to do a lot. But one thing that's really been getting to me is that he barely says he loves me anymore. Are used to say that every night and it's a good night to me or just randomly more texting. I don't get those good night I love you text messages anymore or even a good morning one now. 
I don't know what to do I don't know if this is normal and it's starting to eat away at me. I've tried to tell him but their somethings I don't want to have sitting in some unopened text message for a few days. I don't want to and things I just want to be able to talk to him so he knows how I feel this we can try and make things better.