My story


Finally got to meet my little guy on January 31st 2017 @ 7:28 am weighing 6 lbs 10 oz 19 inches long

I went in on Monday for my 39 week check up and his heart rate was irregular so they hooked me up to the monitor for a while and did an ultra sound. The doc decided I could have an induction if I wanted but I could wait and come back in 2 days and see if it's still skipping beats... we decided to go ahead with the induction. We got to the hospital at 4 and they started my induction at 7. By 930 I was have pretty strong contractions and was at a 4 so I went ahead with the epidural. It was amazing after that. His heart was skipping beats like crazy throughout the labor processes which was crazy scary but finally at 5 30 I was a 10 and ready to push after 2 hours of pushing and almost having to have a c section he came into the world! We're on day 4 and still in the hospital due to jaundice but hopefully we get to go home tomorrow. My little Evan James is perfect and I wouldn't change a thing ❤