My lil princess born on 26/01/17 @40+2 weeks

My lil princess born on 26/01/17 @40+2 weeks. Woke up with slight period cramps @8:00am got my eldest ready for school, I knew baby is coming today 😀(instinct) carried on to make breakfast dropped my daughter at school. By 12:00pm contractions were quite close 5 mins apart.took shower, asked husband to do last min preps and @1:30 headed to hospital. They checked me around 2 and midwife said I was 4cm booked me in and asked about what pain releif i want? I said I would like to wait😁anyways she booked me into birth centre and said its gonna be completely natural birth 😳as u dont want any pain releif 😳😳😳i was shocked but carried on . On our way to labour room i felt the urge to poop 😂it was baby 's head !!! Ready to push!!! I dont know how my husband got me into hospital gown as I was completely blown by the contractions and this urge to push thing 😂😂😂the minute I lay on bed ... Midwife could see baby head but asked me not to push yet as they had to break my waters😅😅anyhow after a few mins I was allowed to push. Two strong pushes and baby was out 😀😀😀@2:30 best feeling on earth !!!! I had my lil bundle of joy 6ibs and 1 oz .Prefectly healthy!!! So in love!!! 💖💖💕