Sucessful VBA2C!!


He is here! Sucessful non medicated vbac after 2 csections. It was no walk in the park and honestly the hardest thing ive ever done. But 100% worth it!

Short of it. Induced at 41 weeks no epidural allowed due to low platelet count. Had potocin, a cook foley, my water broken and pushing all over 2 days. Ended up with his heart rate slowing while pushing as contractions were too close and he came down too fast. Got that corrected and gave a few more rounds of pushing. He was right on the brink and then his heartrate dropped again so they did use vacuum assist and he was litterally out in moments. Very scary but could have been worse. Taring and stitches were small but numerous for this 8.5lb kiddo and since he came so fast. Still this recovery will be much better compared to a csection!!