I hurt him and I feel terrible

My bf is military so we are long distance. Lately things have been busy for him and we haven't been able to Skype for a month. Along with that he just hasn't had time in general to talk to me. He would promise to text in the morning his time or when he would get off work 
Or Skype some nights but he wouldn't follow through. Things in my life have been shitty but there's only so much I feel comfortable with telling him over text (a lot of it very personal and something I feel needs to be said in person). 
Over Skype I got drunker than I intended to or would have possibly wanted to be. He made a promise to Skype me the following evening his time and I told him that I have a hard time putting much stock into that promise. That made him really upset to hear and hurt him. He explained again why things have been like how they are and that he's sorry for not being able to keep some of the promises hes made for the past month. I feel terrible for hurting him but even though its only been a few hours since that I haven't heard from him and feel terrible for what I said. I texted him sometime after (and after drinking a lot of water because I hadn't been before) explaining that things in my life outside of him were shitty too and that I love him. 
Please what can I do to try and make things better?