*Update* Spotting/Bleeding brick color blood @ 11 + 2

Hello everyone,
I really need reassurance into knowing if someone ever had the same thing?
I am 11 weeks + 2 days pregnant.
A few days ago I dropped something and made an abrupt movement. I felt no pain, nothing but I started to worry, thinking that something might be wrong.
The next day I started spotting brownish reddish kind of a brick color blood. I used panty liners to moniter the spotting.
When I'd lie down, I'd feel nothing but when I'd get up, I'd feel a gush of liquid and it would be a little less than palm size amout of blood. That would happen ever 2-3 hours.
Now it's the second day and the blood got a little redder but remains the same amount. 
What should I do? Should I consult and go to the Emergency or am I overreacting? Has it ever happenned to anyone else?
BTW i dont have any pain what so ever nor do I feel different, except for my belly, it feels a little heavier than usual...
I went today for an ultrasound and they found no heart, the baby stopped developping at 6 week when it should have been 11 by now.
The reason was that my body had not detected my pregnancy properly and with that, the placenta was not receiving the proper hormones and so the baby had stopped growing. That was their guess because in their opinion, nothing is too sure...
Thank you for those who've answered my post 💕