To all the mamas

To all the ladies who are pregnant or just had your beautiful babies:
My daughter is 7 months old and she is my first. She's been pretty challenging and some days I'm at my wits end. This time has flown and I was just looking back at some videos of her from the very beginning and I started to cry. The beginning is so terrifying, gratifying, life-changing and a million other emotions rolled into this tiny little miracle. I have definitely embraced every moment I've had with my baby but these videos really hit home. Even though she's only 7 months old, my little tiny helpless bundle has developed her own little personality, is starting to become mobile and is no longer fragile and brand new. I've wished days away when the day was long and she was cranky. I won't get that baby back, ever. Those little wrinkly hands and feet that have yet to fill out are now chunky and reaching for things. Those irresistible newborn grunts and coos, the way she melted into my chest, etc. I'm bawling my eyes out right now because I'll never get that time back and as crazy as these days get you do forget how little they were. You don't think you'll forget but you do. Moral of the story, as hard as this mom thing is, embrace, cherish, and completely immerse yourself with your newborn and even your pregnancy. You will blink and it will be past you. Women are the strongest beings on this planet and the things we go through to become a mom and then all these emotions that come along with it make us warriors. Lots of love and blessings to you all.