successful vbac until!!!

My first was an emergency c section so I really wanted to try a Vbac for my second. well he wasn't coming on his own so we decided to do a light induction the day before my due date 2/4/17. They started me on the smallest amount of pitocin I was already 3cm+ dilated 70% effaced when I got in. We got started at 9am with pitocin, popped my water around 1pm which pushed me to 4 and thinned me out much more. I was 7 cm dilated by 5pm. And was so excited to get past the 6 cm dilation which is when my first got stuck after 22hrs of labor and I went into an emergrncy c section. So we were already off to a much better start. 🤗 Around 7 they said I was at 10cm and ready to push soon. 7:30 we begin pushing and my little guy was born at 7:57 a total of 30 minutes of pushing and I successfully completed a vbac🤗. Unfortaunstely as luck would have it I started hemhoraging and not where my c section scar was either, a whole new place they had to insert a ballon which felt like the equivalent of giving birth and them shoving the baby back in the uterus. My nurses said that I was great about it and that I was so calm and took it like a champ. When I was just happy they were attentIve and caught it. They were amazing. But of course I'd have no luck at all if I didn't have bad luck, due to the Meds I felt the need to use the restroom and the balloon that was supposed to staY in 12 hrs fell into the toilet after 3 hrs. 😔 I was devestated but instead of reinserting new one they monitored the bleeding which stopped🤗. Now I'm in recovery with my adorable baby boy!!! Things may have not gone as perfect as I hoped but I wouldn't change it for the world. My Hearst is so full!!! 