Still quite shocked but is worth it all the pain

Take a me a little bit of time to write my birth story just because I was scared to remember.
So I get induce at 41+2 before this I had two membrane sweep both didn't work, I went to the hospital at 10am in the morning and I had another sweep at 11.30 and I was dilated only 3cm , the contraction they start to kick around afternoon getting stronger and stronger so I had some pain relief because the midwife said they were to close each other , pain relief didn't really worked for me in about 1 hours I went from 3 to 10 before they check me again I was already ready to push out .
They take to the birth center time to arrive my water breaks and I was ready to push all natural no epidural no pain relief is the most strong pain I have feel in my life I been pushing for two hours and half after that they move me in the bath because my back was hurting so much this was the only relief I had .
After almost 3 hours baby head was out but he get stuck with one of his shoulder so I had 3 degree tears.
After all this job like 15 hours of labour I was ready for the surgery but I have to wait 7 am in the morning because during the night they had so many emergency.
I had my epidural at 7 am and surgery left for rest for few days.
Back home after one week still can't seat proper the midwife suggest to go check my self at the hospital and of course one of my stitches just decide to cicatrix in my vagina, I start to have pain and very weird discarge and urine infection now on I'm still try to recovery after two weeks.
They remove my stitches with anestesia strait in my vagina I feel like won't never be the same again 😩😩😩.
I'm so scared even of look at my self and I'm afraid once I will be ready nothing will be the same again with my husband.
Any story about tears I can relate to ?
But in the end I will do it all again for my little boy .
Baby Gabriel Louis born on 25/01/17 3,450kg ❤️❤️🍼