I need help

I need help. My son in 6m and we have been doing solids now for almost 3 weeks. He literally has been waking up every 1-2 (3 on a good night ) hrs each night. I am exhaustrd. I also work full time AND I breastfeed so hubby doesn't help bc of ebf.. he can't really do much. We started out once a day feeding at 630pm bc of my work schedule.. and now we are starting twice a day per pediatrician.. I know it's his tummy adjusting but what can I do ?! Should I back off on solids or just keep fighting through it?! It's hard to not be frustrated bc I'm so exhausted.. last night I got 4 hrs of sleep.. interrupted 4 hrs and I'm about to go work 9 hrs ! I need any help, advise y'all have