My Crazy, Long, Extremely difficult Birth Story


I am a FTM. And I never thought that giving birth could be so hard!

It all started when I went over my due date by two days. I was due February 3rd, and I was due to be induced on Tuesday, February 7th. Well, she decided to start working her way out at 1:00 A.M. on February 6th. I labored at home until about 9:00. I was at 3cm, and we progressed to 4 cm when they f8nally admitted us at about 1:00 p.m.

Okay, so I walked, I talked, I labored for HOURS. In the night, they checked me and I was only at 4.5 cm dilated! I was so discouraged!!! It was horrifying to think I wouldn't progress. They offered me pitocin, but I refused, because I was trying to avoid the epidural, for mine and my baby's safety, above all else. After several more hours, I was only able to progress to 7cm on my own. Then, the doctor decided to break my water bag and we saw that she had passed meconium while still inside. I was panicked. They said that I could labor on for a while to try to progress while my baby was in my body, possibly taking in meconium, I could have pitocin, or I could have a c section if it became emergent. I chose to do pitocin, with no epidural, at 7 cm.

It was the most painful experience of my life. I screamed and cried so that everyone could hear. Pitocin is no joke during the transition phase. I literally screamed for my Mom, and she was crying, and praying with me. Her. My husband, and my sister got me through it. When it was time to push, I didn't even care who saw. Yes, I urinated, and possibly passed a stool. Hey, it happens. I didn't care. I was in the transition phase for maybe an hour. Then, it was time to push. I had a little episiotomy done, and according to my husband, it was small and stitched up nicely afterward. I didn't feel the ring of fire like most people say. I didn't feel anything but pressure, and and then it was done! I actually asked my Doctor if I could keep pushing as she was coming out.

It was a crazy, painful experience, but I'd do it all over again for my little baby girl! Pics are soon to follow. 😍❤