Induced @ 39w1d

I arrived Monday to be induced, since I'm over 40 they don't let you go to 40 weeks due to increased still births. Dr. checked me and I was 80% effaced and 2-3 cm. I started Pitocin at 8:30 am. They increased every 30 mins. 
I was able to breathe through the contractions until after they broke my water. Shortly after the 😭😭 started flowing and I asked for an epi (around 1 pm). I was still having mild back labor after the epi. It became more intense that I had to press button for more medicine. They checked me and it was time to push.
2 contractions, 7 pushes and 4 mins later my hubby had the joy of saying IT's A BOY💙💙💙! I delayed clamping and weight/height measurements. We stayed skin to skin for the first hour. So blessed!