Keeping Faith and Hope


One year ago I found this board and cried as I posted my story of loss. I had a D&C after a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. I was devestated and suffered a very real case of post-partum depression. Through genetic testing we learned our little boy had trisomy 22. This did bring some peace, but I was terrified my time was over. I have a beautiful four year old (three at the time.) My husband and I immediately started trying again and I had a chemical pregnancy in April.

I didn't know how much more I could take. I started taking femara. I was concerned with egg quality since I was 36 years old. Immediately following my chemical I found out I was pregnant again in May. I was terrified my whole first trimester. I cried the first time I had an ultrasound. But... my journey had a happy ending and a baby at the end of my rainbow. There is hope and the pain gets easier. I cried on Feb. 4th as I relived my loss, but I also thanked God that my little Asher was sleeping in my arms.