It's a girl

Katie • Engineer 👩🏻‍💻 Fire Wife 👨🏻‍🚒 Mommy 👧🏻🐶🌈👶🏻
It's a girl!!! Baby G decided that she was coming whether we were ready or not. I had a doctors appointment on Monday where we found out I was still only 1 cm and not effaced at all. My doctor predicted a 40-42 week baby. Later that night, while hanging out on the couch, my water broke!!! I wasn't 100% sure, so we went to the hospital "just to get things checked out" and we were admitted! Labor wasn't kicking in on its own, so I was started on pitocin. After about 6 hours of labor, I decided it was time for an epidural. I was finally able to relax and things progressed well. Starting around 2, we started pushing. She was facing sideways which made her journey a little challenging, but after two hours we were able to see her sweet face! At this point, my epidural was gone as we were delivering the placenta. Thank  God I had my baby girl in my arms because I'm not sure if I could have done it otherwise. My placenta was still attached to my uterus and that was by far the most intense pain I've ever felt in my entire life. Thankfully, my doctor is amazing and everything turned out ok!
Miss Eileen Marie was born on 2/7/2017 at 8lb 10oz and 20.75 inches long. We love her so much!