40 weeks tomorrow no signs of labor

I'll be 40 weeks tomorrow going by my second due date my first due date was February 7th. But regardless I'm going crazy. Im so ready to meet my little princess. I have tried bouncing on the ball , squats , sex , walking , bumping car rides. All the natural remedies and for the past 3 weeks I have been 1cm with high cervixs 😩 she did say she felt her head in station-3 but I have had terrible pelvic pain for months now from her being so low. I have a appointment Tuesday to schedule my induction but I so want her to come before then. Any advice out there ? I'm not down to try any pills or that oil stuff I don't wanna harm my baby just to rush her out. I know for sure I'll have her by next weekend I just wanna hear what you mommies did to make time speed up but not the crazy way. 😹