Induction scheduled 😳

Went for regular OB appt, left with an induction date. Was a bit in shock but now I'm getting excited to meet my little porkpie 💕
My bp was suddenly high today and bc I had that bleeding yesterday (had to go into triage) and started heavy spotting at doctor's today (thank god I had some adult diapers in my purse as a backup!), I will be induced next Saturday the 18th! My OB thinks that my insulin (I take the slow-acting one at night for GD) is causing the sudden hypertension and said if I wasn't taking insulin, he would let me go to term as baby is doing well. Being induced at 38w5d is good enough for this FTM as this heavy spotting is a bit scary 😬
So hopefully by the end of next weekend, I'll meet our first child!!