I just wanna run away! Kinda long!!

I just need to vent!! I posted about this before but I'm tired of being called greedy, bad parent etc!! So this year we claimed my 22 year old brother for taxes because he lived with us for 2 years and my bf had paid for him for more than half the year. We planned on giving him 200 out of the 400 we would get for him... He said no he wanted it all and got my mom who is 9 states away involved. She called me greedy, a bitch, immature etc! Mind you I let him come live with me because she couldn't deal with him and how he wasn't helping pay for anything he pays me $100 a month maybe 200. Ok then 2 days ago me, my brother, son and daughter went to visit my grandparent's they live 2.5 hrs away but my 3 year old is too much for my grandpa and was in my ear since day one telling me he wanted to go home so today we decided to leave but it was raining so my brother said he didn't want to drive in it but I told him I have work and he has an interview so we have to go so once again he gets our mom involved. She call's me and starts yelling at me so I hand my brother back his phone and that was it, few min later I get a message from her(down below)Basically telling me I'm a piece of crap that I don't think of my kid's, then blocked me so I couldn't respond so I took her off Facebook and told her not to talk to me. As we were driving home she calls my brother and he puts it on speaker, she starts to talk shit but he stops her then hangs up! Did he get a message? Hell no. After that I get told that my job isn't more important than my kids live's; its fucking rain not a blizzard!!!! I work for my city 2.5 hrs mon-fri as a "after school recreation specialist" because thats all I can do my bf works 6am-2pm and I work 3-530pm so it works perfect. She is also mad because I won't buy her a 1000 dollar plane ticket to come out when we get taxes! I just can't deal with it, since I was 9 I have been called a dumbass, stupid, worthless, unlovable, that my mom should have aborted me like and I Should have been a boy(hints why my brother is his fav)every day of my life by her dad, that I wasn't going go anywhere or amount to anything and she knows how that fucked with me and yet now she is doing it. I'm 25 now and have been on my own since 18 but I still feel like a little kid getting bullied by everyone!! Yes I cussed at my mom because I got tired of being yelled at or talked down too. I'm crying in the car and my brother asks if I'm ok....he starts this shit then asks if I'm ok.