Sciatica or something else?

b r i t t a n y • Mum to Grace Ophelia Crazy Plant Lazy 🪴
I'm 9 weeks pregnant and this is my third pregnancy. I remember struggling with something similar with my last pregnancy but if I remember correctly it didn't start until later and it was over 5 years ago so I don't entirely remember if it's the same thing.
Basically, my left butt cheek HURTS. It's like... an all the time achy feeling that never goes away and runs down the back on my thigh and occasionally goes all the way down to my ankle. At first I was like "eh, it's like a cramp, I can deal with it" but after 3/4 days of this, I'm starting to go crazy. It hurts to walk sometimes but it hurts worse when I bend or squat and god forbid I sit down or lay certain ways, it's terrible. I feel sick and tired, I just wanna relax but I feel like I can't because it's painful.
I struggle to think its sciatica because I'm so early but idk what else it could be. *side note: I do have mild scoliosis and my abdominal muscles have a tiny separation, idk if that contributes to this at all.*