Went into labor and had baby boy yesterday!

Woke up crampy and started having contractions around 8 am yesterday. Was timing them and it said prepare for hospital. I was thinking it could be false labor again so I decided to wait till my doctor's appointment at 11:30. Went ahead and brought everything with me just in case. Contractions kept getting stronger at were 6 1/2-7 mins apart when I went to see my doctor and low and behold I was in labor. I had dialated to 5-6 cm and got sent right over across the parking lot to the hospital. Doctor broke my water at 2:30 and Tobias Avery was born at 4:10 that evening!8lbs 4 oz and 20 1/2 inches long! Fourth baby and the first time I ever went into labor by myself. I was suppose to get induced Monday but my little guy decided he didn't want a birthday that close to Valentine's day. So overjoyed to have him here. He's such a quiet baby and took to breastfeeding like a pro! Well wishes to everyone still waiting on their babies to make their appearance!