What are your thoughts on terrorism and gun violence?

Here is my opinion. Screen shots are provided for sources. Terrorism in the United States has killed about 3,503 people between 1995-2014 the majority of which were killed on 9/11. Gun violence in the US, on average, kills 33,880 people A YEAR. If you are more concerned with terrorist deaths than you are gun deaths, there is a problem. Don't get me wrong, we should be concerned about both. But no one disagrees that we should fight terrorism. But there is a huge disagreement on gun violence and how to prevent it. People should not be able to buy a gun if they are criminals or mentally unstable. People should have to have a background check before buying something that could potentially be used to kill people. People with children should be REQUIRED to lock their guns up so that children cannot kill themselves. If you support the "extreme vetting" of refugees and immigrants to this country in fear that they could be terrorists, why can't we have "extreme vetting" of people who want to purchase guns? Regular US citizens have killed about 10 times more US citizens in the last year due to gun violence than terrorists have killed in the last 20 years.