Did anyone have similar experience?

It should be 6th week of my pregnancy. Last Thursday after a shot flight I've started bleeding. I felt very bloated during the flight. As this is my first pregnancy I did panic and rushed in to emergency room to find out what's happening. Midwife told me off for coming in and told me that if it's natures way I'm probably having a miscarriage. She did a scan and detected pregnancy. That little black dot in the photo. An hour later I went for a second opinion with gynaecologist. I was bleeding bright red blood and quite heavily. When she did internal ultrasound she couldn't find pregnancy 😔 as a precaution they did hormone test which showed 6weeks pregnancy. I need to go in for a second test  tomorrow. Since Thursday I still had pregnancy symptoms: irritated  to some smells, being emotional, Very soar and tender breasts, probably even more then previously. I also have slight cramping but no blood. My total bleeding was about max 3 hours. Could I still be pregnant? Or am I finding hard to let it go? Was my scan normal for 6 weeks? Please share your experience and knowledge! Thank you