going back to work after baby.

So tomorrow I go back to work after almost 4 months home with my baby. Logically I know the daycare I'm sending her to will take great care of her. Logically I Know everything will be fine. But my heart is racing, and I can't breath every time I look at the clock and see it's another hour less to spend with her. I can't stop feeling as though once I leave for work that's it, I'll never see her again. I've been crying almost all weekend because I'm so upset over it. And it's not that I'm sending her to daycare, I just feel it's too early. I was fortunate enough to have good working schedules with my husband that I didn't have to send my first child until she was a year old. I feel at a year they are more capable of communicating if something is wrong, whereas a 4 month old is completely defenseless. I can't stop my mind from racing with these what ifs, but we can't afford for me to stay home any longer. Anyone else feel this way? How did you overcome it?