Experience with VCF? BC help, please!

I posted this in Birth Control too, but I'm really hoping to get more responses from other PP mom's because my main concern is increased fertility from being PP. (Also, I feel like there's more younger girls or women who don't have babies in the BC group so they might not understand my concern.)
I'm 3 weeks PP and looking into alternative BC methods. I don't want to take any hormonal BC as it causes my pre-existing depression to become worse than it already is and I cannot afford to become more depressed right now. (I might do something regrettable.) I don't want an IUD, I've had that before and it screwed me up-- no thanks!
I'm going to be honest and say that I hate condoms. I hate the way they feel and smell and it just ruins sex for me. I don't want to use them. My SO doesn't like them either but he said he would just going to use condoms for now. (After we get the Dr's okay to resume sex.)  I'm really hoping we could find an alternative. While researching, I came across VCF.
The reviews looked pretty promising. But I know nothing about it and I'm hoping some of you ladies could share your experiences with me. Did it work? Was it successful? Or did you end up pregnant? Did you use this PP (during increased fertility?)
I'm desperate to find something. Or even if anyone has any great condom recommendations for people, like myself, who absolutely cannot stand them.
Advice is appreciated!