no longer excited

Carmen • 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻💙💙👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻💙🤰🏻
Well ladies, let me start with this was a planned pregnancy that didn't happen on it's own (4 rounds of Clomid 100mg). Once I received my positive I was super excited, but after a while the excitement faded because I was working a lot at that time. I was excited for 2 days when I found out that we're expecting twins, and now I have no excitement. The idea of shopping for twin gear freaks me out because most places don't have the gear to try out in the store, and now that we know the genders I'm even less excited about being pregnant (I've always wanted a little girl, but I'm having two boys). I no longer want to plan out the nursery, have a baby shower, I didn't do a standard gender reveal (no energy to care about doing it), I just can't get motivated to do anything. Since I decided to walk away from my stressful job in early January, I've realized I don't do any of the things I used to enjoy doing or did regularly, I can sit in a room with someone and not say one word to them which my SO hates. In short, I just don't feel like myself at all and everything I make myself do feels like a chore. So I'm just wondering if any other ladies have been through something similar? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.