Vulvar varicosities: TMI

This is gross but I'm posting as I would like to spare any FTMs from freaking out the way I did last week. Last Wednesday I went to pee, and as I wiped, the entire tissue came away covered in bright red blood and it was all over my hand too (no mucus, just straight up blood). I was in my 37th week so of course it was a panicky wtf moment. Looked in toilet bowl and blood was fast dripping into it. Cleaned up as best I could, threw on an adult diaper (bc I didn't know if I would continue bleeding), called triage and was told to come in. Long story short, the bleeding stopped almost immediately and during the internal exam, they couldn't find any traces of blood. I didn't care as long as baby was fine (which he was and still is).
I've had bright red spotting ever since (nowhere near the amount as Wednesday) and tonight, I think I found the cause: a vulvar varicose vein right on the inside of my right outer labia 😑 It has a blood blister part (super gross looking) and tonight, as I touched it with a clean white tissue, that's where the bright red blood is coming from. Both my husband and I did bloodwork at the start of this pregnancy to confirm that we were STD free etc, and my vagina has been sore, swollen and frigging uncomfortable since week 33 😓 Ahh, the wonders of pregnancy! I'll speak to my OB to confirm but I'm 99% certain that that's what it is. It would also explain why the triage doctor couldn't find blood inside as she never examined my outer labia.
Thx for reading this gross & semi-embarrassing post but I sure wish I had known about the possibility of getting blood blisters and varicose veins in one's poonane BEFORE I had that sudden bleeding last week.