Yellow/Green CM before BFP?!

Kristy • 29, Mama to miracle baby girl after 3+ years of infertility, Dog mom, Speech-Language Pathologist, TTC baby #2
Hi ladies! Hubs and I have been actively TTC for about a year now- AF was due 2/8, so I am now 6 days late. I have been cramping on and off since about a week before my AF was due, which never happens. I had an EXTREME cramping 6 days before AF- the wind was knocked out of me for about 20 seconds, it was excruciating. I keep thinking AF is here as I have been crampy and random bouts of nausea for 2 weeks, but nothing. No sore boobs which I usually get either. I took a digital (all I had) 2 days ago which was BFN. I just went to use the restroom, and I noticed my CM is yellow/greenish, almost like snot. So sorry for the description! I have never had this before, and there is definitely no infection. Has anyone had this before their BFP? I'm so scared to test again as it's always negative and I'm feeling hopeful. Any advice helps! Thank you!