I got to be pregnant for three days

Second month TTC after getting off the pill on Christmas. Wasn't trying but not preventing as we were ready for a baby. Hadn't been feeling so good and sleeping all the time. Period was due 2/10. Came home from a short day at work on 2/9 and had a feeling that I just needed to test. Got a Pregnant on a digital at 9:30 am. Told hubby, both of us in shock. Got a FRER and for a faint line at 3 pm. Called OB next day and set up my first appt in March. Was 3w5d. Told my best friends over the weekend and started planning out the announcement to our parents even though I was timid since this was my first pregnancy. 
Sunday morning 2/12 (my 25th birthday) I tested again with a FRER so I could see the line darken since it's been three days. Was still super faint. Got a bad feeling. By the time I left work at 11:30 I had been slightly spotting when I wiped. Went and bought some more tests. Started bleeding heavier and got a Not Pregnant on a digital. Basically lost my shit and started sobbing hysterically for most of the day. Couldn't quit crying and my hubby came home early from work. It's now the day after and I'm still bleeding and crying. I'm just so sad like there is just a well of sadness springing up from inside me that I can't turn off. Hubby says we will keep trying and is doing his best to be there for me. 
I want to try soon but I feel my heartbreak is getting in the way of moving on. I called the doctor only to get a voicemail. I don't have what feels like a full blown period but I've probably lost enough blood that there's no hope in still being pregnant. I think I've read the whole internet searching for hope.