HSV-1/Oral Herpes (Cold Sores)

I'm a complete germaphobe and my husband is in the middle of a primary HSV-1 outbreak. He has continued kissing me and cuddling me like it's nothing at my request BC I didn't want him to feel gross. He was fairly depressed regarding it. HSV-1 can be spread through saliva/kissing, tears, and even skin to skin contact. I assumed I already had it (by age 60 8/10) people do. Now I'm unsure. My gums are swelling and my throat is in pain. No sores yet, but this is how his started too (but with more fever etc). What can I do to prevent giving it to my 10 month old? I can't stand the idea of no cuddles or kisses. I can keep from kissing her mouth, but not her little face, etc. What do I do? And what's the likelihood of giving my daughter genital hsv-1 through changing her diaper, etc?? I'm spiraling. I have major anxiety and the only thing that cures it is cuddling my baby girl. Unfortunately that's the cause of my spiraling right now!? 8/10 people have it and get it between 6 months and 5 years anyway. Is she doomed to have it? I mean, we have a lot of skin to skin contact. We nap together and cosleep. Etc