Any advice from mothers who tested positive for Group B Strep?

Taryn • 26. Mom. Wife. Tattooed. Novice Chef. Coffee Addict. Harry Potter Fanatic. Nerd. Wine Drinker. Makeup Lover. Charlotte Rose 🌹 5-12-15 Benjamin Thomas 💙 7-8-17 Superbaby due 7-25-19
I just found out today at 18 weeks that I tested positive for Group B Strep. I had a UTI and the urine test for that showed up positive for Group b. I made the mistake of googling it (I know, I know, bad idea). And now I'm terrified of the complications that can arise. I didn't have this with my first child. But when you see the words "still birth, pneumonia, menigitia, and sepsis" you automatically panic for your unborn child. Can anyone please help me put my mind at ease?