Do you consider sexting another person while married cheating?

Okay so here is the back story. My step sister in-laws husband recently lost his job due to an inter work related incident with a fellow female colleague. My sister in law also works at the same business. Apparently the husband and the woman were sending nudes to each other using company email. My guess is taking pic with phone then emailing it to themselves then to each other. But anywho the IT dept at their work were tracking them and pulled him and the woman in to fire them both. So up until this point my SIL knew nothing. Needless to say I am sure they were both devastate but she claims she feels this isn't cheating? I personally haven't talked to her directly about it. She is acting as though nothing happened and he chose to leave work.  I guess because they didn't physically connect only through the phone she feels it wasn't cheating. I myself feel like the intent was there and emotionally he did cheat that trust would be lost. To top it all off he up and joined the army at 26 because he failed a drug test due to steroids and can't get a job locally. I feel so bad for her and honesty I am scared for her. 

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