March baby came early! :)

My original due date was March 3rd. But my little guy had other ideas. 
I was working a closing shift at my job when I started to experience some contractions. After about an hour of mild, semi-consistent contractions my water started to break. At first I wasn't sure it was my waters. (I just thought I'd peed myself a couple times.) 
I got off work at midnight and at this time my contractions were a steady ten minutes apart. 
My SO and I logged developments while putting the final touches on our hospital bags. At one my contractions started to get more and more intense. At two, my water broke. Not just a trickle. Not just a gush. But a full tidal wave of fluid that just kept coming. 
We called our doc on call and she told us to head on in to the hospital!! Labor and delivery was packed. 8 babies Valentine's Day night, and six the next morning! 
When I arrived, I was already 4.5 centimeters dialated. After an hour I was at a six. Another hour and I had made it to seven. At this point I was begging for some relief. When I hadn't been contracting, I was vomiting. My whole body shook and I couldn't seem to stay warm. Thank the lord for the epidural. (Kudos to those women who do this all natural. But that was just not my route) thanks to the epidural, I was able to sleep and regain some strength. At 8:30 AM I was a full ten centimeters and ready to push. 
My little one was born at 9:08 AM. 
Abel Charles Kirk 
Born 6lbs 9oz and 19.25 inches long