Parents and childhood obesity

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

First, I'll explain a situation.

Let's say you are the mother of an 11 year old girl. Her doctor has said every year since age was 6 to help her eat better, play more, and try to get her weight under control.

Well they never did. She sat in front of the TV everyday. Overate and ate a lot of junk food. After school, she would come home and eat 2 bologna sandwiches and a big bowl of chips. Drink a Pepsi and then 3 hours later ate dinner and had seconds. And it wasn't due to starving because she skipped lunch. She ate all the time.

When she turns 11, the doctor does a diabetes test and finds that she's pre-diabetic due to the parents not trying to help her the past 5 years. They've continued to fill her with fast food and sugar instead of anything healthy.

In cases like this, where the parents were told that the child's diet and lack of exercise is going to cause serious problems in life, and the parents still do nothing to help the child, would that be considered Child Abuse? Why or why not..?

And this is based off real things that happened

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