birth story

So my labor and delivery was long yet worth it! I was 41 weeks and my doctor decided to induce me. I had to go into labor and delivery at 6pm on January 25th to start the process. they put a medicine in my cervix called cervidil to soften my cervix and to help me start to dialate. They took the cervidil out at 6am the next morning and started me on Pitocin I was only dialated a half centimeter.. the entire day I was having horrible contractions with no pain meds and I was not dilating at all my doctor even tried to break my water and she couldn't. Eventually they gave up and said we're going to retry the process and do the cervidil another night and if it doesn't work prepare for a cesarean. I'm so nervous and impatient I just want to meet my baby boy! They took me off the Pitocin and they put the cervidil in my cervix again.. Mind you I'm having contractions this entire time in so much pain!! Thankfully the next morning I was dilated to 2 cm and they started pitocine again. My doctor came in broke my water and time flew by after that!! Contractions were so bad I got the epidural right away!! I started dilating quickly!! All of a sudden it was time to push and my son Ashtyn was born at 3:49pm 7lb 12oz 21.25 inches long