Its my turn!!!!! 😍😍

Marlen β€’ Two boys, One girl TTC our last and final baby ❀️

So here is my birth story completely summed up! OK so I get to the hospital around 9 in the morning on February 13th and they start the process of induction. Around 12pm I feel the first contraction. At 8:30pm I officially reach 3cm. At 4:00am my water breaks but I'm still only 3 1/2cm. Holy crap the contractions got SO much stronger! By 6:30am I'm begging for an epidural and she checks me again and I'm now at a 5cm! 6:45am I get the epidural. By 7:00am we realize that it DIDNT WORK! So I'm begging for another form of meds because I am in PAIN! So she checks me again and at 7:15am and I'm at 7 1/2cm! (This is were things got kicked into gear!) My husband walks out the room to go use the restroom. In the room now is my mom, my sister in law, my mother in law, and a nurse. As soon as my husband walks out I look over at tell my mother in law that I needed to push!!!!! The nurse looks at me and says "No you dont, your only 7 1/2cm" I told her that she was wrong because the baby was coming! So my sister in law runs out the room to go get my husband and he comes running back in and stands next to me. I gave one push and I felt the baby start crowning! So I asked "Is he right there?!" And the nurse looks and said "OMG HES COMING!" so she runs out and screams "Room 36 is delivering, get the doctor!" She runs back in and behind her about 4-5 other nurses! I look at my husband and tell him "he's coming right now I can't help it I need to push!" So at 7:24am on February 14th I pushed one more time and the baby came out and landed on the bed right when the doctor walked in.! So the doctor put on some gloves and grabbed the baby and started cleaning him up and cut the cord and then handed him to me! My mom, mother in law, and sister in law were like WTF?! I'm still in shock!

My son Mateo Michael was born 02|14|2017 at 7:24am weighing 6lbs 15oz and 20in long 😍

My heart is beyond full!

By the way this is my second son. My first is sick right now so he hasn't been able to meet his baby brother yet πŸ˜”