TTC baby #2- questions! :)

Hi all! I was hesitant to post on here because I'm sure a million other ladies have asked the same question(s) a million times. My husband and I have a beautiful little girl who's 14 months old and now we're trying for a second baby. My daughter was a total surprise considering I have PCOS. Now, I'm currently charting my BBT, checking CM and CP and I'm super guilty of being a POAS-aholic. Lol so anyway- I received my very first peak Clearblue Advanced Ovulation test on 2/9 we BD'ed for a few days before and the day of and 2 days afterwards. So fast forward to now which is 7dpo and I have such heartburn, on and off nauseousness, super bloated, cramping for about 2 days on and off and it's more prominent on my right side. They feel like the start of AF but AF isn't due for another week and my cycle is usually 35 days (+/-2 days). My CP is between medium and  high soft and closed and CM is creamy and it's not heavy but not light either. So I'm wondering if any of you think I could be pregnant? Maybe I'm just symptom obsessing. Have any of you experienced/experiencing any of these symptoms around this time? Thank you so much in advance!!