My husband and I are going on four years of marriage this March

Samantha • My husband and I have been TTC #1 for over a year.
My husband and I are going on four years of marriage this March. We wanted to enjoy just being a married couple so we decided to wait a while before trying for a baby. So when we started trying in October of 2015 we figured we'd be pregnant by the new year. Guess again. People all around us were announcing pregnancies and here we were one negative test after another. In November 2016 I decided enough is enough. I was young and healthy so there had to be another reason why this wasn't happening naturally. I made an appointment with my gynecologist who then referred me to a reproductive endocrinologist. We met with the RE in December of 2016 and after a month of testing she said it looked like I wasn't ovulating although my egg supply looked great. She prescribed clomid. I had also started seeing an acupuncturist because I had heard so many great things about fertility meds combined with acupuncture being successful. Well low and behold I got my BFP this morning after my very first cycle. I still have a long road ahead of me but I'm going to focus on taking it one day at a time and letting myself be happy that I now know that pregnancy is a possibility for me.
And please let this be a lesson that it may be a simple fix like it seemed to be with me so don't be afraid to seek help!