2nd pregnancy 1st was high risk.

katie • Pregnant through IVF after 4 years of infertility and 4 consecutive early losses. Mommy to Alaina (6) and Niko due 11/18 💓
I went into preterm labor with my first at 20 weeks after days of Braxton hicks contractions because of a short cervix. They stopped it with progesterone suppositories and I carried to term. I'm now 5w2d with my 2nd and I SWEAR im feeling Braxton hicks. I feel the tightening in my belly and last night it kept me up. I even woke up sleeping on my belly because I felt it. I'm a military spouse and the shitty ob clinic isn't calling me back. I'm really worried because of what happened with my first ☹️ I almost lost my daughter at 20 weeks and it was the scariest thing of my life. Idk if I'm over reacting. I didn't realize you could feel BH this early?!! Does anyone else have a tightening in your belly???