
I took a test on 11dpo and 13dpo and they were both bfn's. I am now 15dpo and no sign of AF (I'm currently 2 days late). I have endometriosis so I usually cramp pretty badly a few days before, but I've only had a few waves of bad cramps and they go away. I was pregnant in December but miscarried and I don't have any of the same symptoms I had last time, and quite frankly, I don't really have any symptoms except for my breasts feeling heavy and looking bigger, a sore throat, some cramping, bloating, and constipation (sorry tmi). When I pregnant last time I had super sore boobs and nausea. I don't know if I should count myself out since I had two bfn's or if I should wait a week before trying a test again. Did anyone else have no symptoms and got a BFP after 15dpo and previous bfn's during their cycle? Any experiences would be aprpreciated! Thank you!