not a planned pregnancy but still happy💕

Did anyone else felt like they weren't mentally prepared to see a positive sign when they took there pregnancy test?
 I know it sounds stupid since at some point you had to have thought that you might be pregnant enough to buy a test. but I honestly wasn't prepared for the positive test.
My period has always had a mind of its own, it would come ones a month but not in a timely manner so I was custom for it to be days or even a whole week late. I was also used to taking pregnancy test when I was late and always coming out negative. We weren't purposely trying to get pregnant but we were always ok that if it happened it happened. And I always like to get the confirmation that I wasn't pregnant, in case I went out and had a wild night of drinking or something.
So One day I stopped by quickly at target to buy toilet paper and for some reason I just assumed I should get a test since I felt like it was time I got my period but I hadn't got it yet. Sure enough i got home and ran to the bathroom because i was nearly peeing myself. Didn't even tell my bf I was going to take one and as I sat down to pee on the stick it immidietly turned positive as the stick was absorbing my urine. 
I was sooooooo surprised that I walked out the bathroom with a shocked face and didn't really know how to tell my bf that we might be pregnant. Now we are alittle over 14 weeks and excited. But certainly very surprised lol