Chances of being pregnant

Background information. 
• on the pill since December 2015, taking in at 7.30 am for say the past 12 months(before that it was just whenever I took my other medication) 
• have a regular period (comes between 4-10pm on the Monday of the red section of the pill) 
• am putting on weight, not a lot but I am also not playing water polo or exercising as much as I should be 
• my boyfriend and I have unprotected sex but he never finishes in me, we have tested the full "pre cum" thing and are pretty sure he doesn't have pre cum
• been a bit constipated and bloated but I am haven't been eating well at all, kind because I feel I eat too much and want to lose weight (I know it's bad to not eat, please don't judge) 
• my boyfriend gets upset with me because he knows I'm not pregnant as the circumstances don't really fit together but I am a chronic stress head (I stress over making a mistake at work, sometimes to the point I cry) so I need some reassurance 
With the background information at hand, what do you think the likelihood of me being pregnant is? 
Comment also! 
P.s I didn't really know which topic to put this in..

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