
My heart is broken. I'm 39yrs old...currently 17w5d with my first child/pregnancy. Went to a place last week to try to find out the gender. They couldn't tell. They called my Dr. who in turn called me the next day to tell me that they found a defect on my baby abdomen. Went in for an ultrasound, they said that it looks like a hernia. However, they scheduled me to see a specialist. I saw the specialist yesterday, did another ultrasound. Everything from eye socket, kidneys, stomach, heart, measurements and weight was all good and baby was very active.......but they couldn't find the bladder! The umbilical cord was 3x thick at the base, and the genitalia is ambiguous. They think the bladder is outside of the belly...possibly under the thick cord. Amniotic fluid is good. But as I'm typing this what if the bladder is in the umbilical cord? I didn't think about that until now. Either way, I have to have a MRI of the baby next week and then a follow up ultrasound in 2 weeks. I'm so scared! Anyone else had the similar issue or anything going on with baby that you have to cope with?