Stupid Things That Set Me Off

I had one day. One day left my momma was here. I never have help. She drove 8 hours to help me so I can go to his work thing without having to pay a sitter and to give me a little break in the finial trimester.  One day left that she's taking my toddler who has decided that 6 am is now his new wake up time. One Saturday to sleep in after I told my husband I wasn't feeling well. One Saturday in my 3rd trimester I just needed a little longer and there was help. 
I've told him. And he leaves all his electronics upstairs with alarms to wake himself up. Except he's already up. And downstairs. And his alarms will continue to scream until someone deals with them. Which means I get to haul my snoozing self out of the bed on Saturday with this huge pregnant belly to find his phone or iPad or whatever and shut them off. Forget that I was heavinging at 10 pm last night while he was sleeping. Or up constantly to pee. I didn't even ask him to take the child we have. My mom is here for one last day of help. 
Once is an accident. But this happens all the freaking time. I was so angry. I had told him. I have my mom one day...this Saturday morning. The rest of which is occupied with obligations we both have to attend for his job. Where I will be the dutiful wife. And lose another Saturday with my kid and my husband to stand my his side and face wanting to be there. Fine. But I asked for an extra hour of consideration. 
I hollered for him to find his phone and shut it off. No answer. I had to search the upstairs to find it blaring. He's lucky I didn't chuck it at his head. This far pregnant, I'm not sleeping. He's tied like an extra arm to his phone except in the mornings when he runs off without it.  
Now, he's exasperated with me because I'm zombie? I've told him to keep his stupid phone with him so when he "forgets" he set an alarm
for the crack of dawn, he can shut it off. And let me tell ya, when I'm up breastfeeding this child and he wakes him up because he leaves his electronics all over the house with alarms, I'm gonna be mad. 
And I realize this is probably a stupid thing to be upset about. But after you've repeatedly asked or told that it is infuriating to have to search for his crap to shut it doesn't feel like an accident. It feels like he's just being inconsiderate.