PAIN PAIN PAIN! Abnormal???? help please

Okay so I feel like I post a lot about pain but every time it's a different pain 😅 but anyway, I'm 20 weeks and 4 days and I have so much cramping in my lower stomach. I can tell when what I'm feeling is round ligament, at least I think. That one I think is the sharp and sometimes it shoots into my leg a little bit? That's what I assumed to be round ligament pain. But then, I also have a lot of tightening and pressure that lasts about 3-4 minutes but sometimes only 1-2 minutes and that I assumed to be Braxton Hicks?? (Please correct me if these don't sound right.) The Braxton Hick is get sorta often, about 6-7 times a day that I notice, but usually they're right around the same time (maybe 15 minutes apart) and then they stop for a really long time. Usually changing positions help both of these pains. But, I've also had this cramping that I don't know what it is. It doesn't really feel like gas pain, or period cramps. But more like period cramps. But I've had no bleeding, and only some light white-creamy ish discharge. I went to the doctor and they said everything was fine, but does the cramping sound abnormal? Sorry this is so long, but I'd appreciate some advice! Thanks in advance. 😊😊