Assignment for school - Kaepernick's Protest: How do you feel?

NinjaMom • "In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I'm working on an assignment for school about culture and conflict. I'm analyzing the conflict with the Systems Theory, which examines conflicts through a lens encompassing the relationships, environment and relationship dynamics of not just the primary parties of the conflict, but the parties who support each side of the conflict, oppose each side and those who are indifferent. 
My goal is to gain some insight for my assignment as to how people perceive Kaepernick's protest. 
So I ask, do you support his protest of the oppression of minorities? 
Do you oppose the method (not standing for the national anthem) although you may agree with the message? For example, you support his protest, but think he should have gone about it differently? 
Do you oppose his message? For example, you don't feel that minorities are oppressed, or feel that comparatively speaking, there has been progress in societal-racial relations, and there can only be continued progress from here? 
Thank you ladies, I appreciate any insight you can provide. Like I said, this is for a paper I am writing that has to come from an objective standpoint. 
For the record: I personally support his protest, I don't think it is a deliberate dismissal of the sacrifices veterans have made for our country. However, I also think it would be beneficial for him to articulate what specific changes he wants to see to help others better understand his goals. 

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