First post!! someone read.

Hello ladies!! This is my first post here so hopefully I'm posting this in the right area haha. This is mine and my DH first time ttc. So far  I'm currently 9dpo and have been having really bad cramps since day 4, sort of like af cramps but I am not expected to start until the 24th and never have cramping this early on. Also these last couple days I've been having a pulling sensation near my belly button that trails down, while I was in the shower the other day I felt an extremely sharp pain in what felt like my uterus area it lasted about 5 seconds (if that) then disappeared  and my breasts (sorry if tmi) have been extremely sore. I can't even touch them. Also have been feeling nauseous like I need to throw up but nothing. So annoying!!! Has anyone else experienced this and got a bfp?? Trying not to get my hopes up but I am very aware of how my body feels all the time since I have to stay well for my job and this is the first time for the pulling sensation and the extreme soreness. Please someone!